ASIASAT 2 100.5E

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Last Updated 13/01/05
Alalam News Channel Arabic Digital

Kuwait Space Channel Arabic Digital

Jame-Jam TV Network 3 Farsi Digital P1 V
APTN Direct English Digital

Fashion TV French&English Digital

VOA/Worldnet English Digital P1

Deutsche Welle TV German&English Digital P1 V240 E
RAI International4 Italian Digital P1

TVE Internacional-Asia-Africa Spanish Digital P1

TV 5 Asie French Digital P1 P2
RTP Internacional Portugese Digital P1

East Asia TV Chinese Digital P1

MSTV five star Chinese Digital

New Cartoon Satellite TV ? Digital

Lotus Satellite TV Chinese Digital

Macau Asia Satellite TV Chinese Digital

ASIASAT 2 Information
This satellite has a large coverage area across Asia and Australasia.

This satellite has recently lost many channels that have moved to Asiasat 3. The KU band of this satellite does not offer anything to most as the beam is aimed at China.

There is a package of channels operating on this satellite known as the Euro MUX providing high quality channels from Europe such as Deutsche Welle TV and TV 5 Asie (French) of interest to many will be the Dubai Sports channel which shows quite a bit of Soccer.

This satellite also contains dozens of FTA Radio signals.

For most in NZ this satellite has a very low look angle as its at the edge of the footprint area. A 2.4 meter dish or bigger with a clear view is recomended for reception of this satellite in NZ. It may not be visible if you live in the far eastern parts of NZ.